Authors & Other Contributors
We have a network of content creators who contribute with insightful articles and ideas and help create a knowledge base available to organisations and individuals willing to drive social change.
Josh Brown | Writer
Josh Brown is a Politics, Philosophy and Economics student at The Open University. He helped out Insight for Good over a summer, researching different social topics and identifying insights working with other students collaboratively. He was especially interested in sustainability and wage inequality.
Amelia Hodgson | Writer
Amelia is studying towards an undergraduate degree in psychology at The Open University. While working with Insight for Good she focussed on writing articles on the topics of health & well-being, employability, sustainability, and education. Amelia would eventually like to work in either the public or third sector in a role focussed on supporting and empowering people.
Callum Morrissey | Writer
Callum, a recent graduate at the University of Manchester, studying BA (Hons) Politics and Modern History. With a key interest in refugee studies and third sector work, he felt that Insight for Good was the perfect social enterprise for him to volunteer at. He is currently employed as a Data Entry Assistant at Anexys Consultancy. He also hold a fascination with football, food, fishing and everything in between
Rosamonde Veen | Writer
Rosamonde is a second year Environmental Science student at the University of York. With key interests in chemical pollutant analysis, sustainability and management and conservation. Insight for Good has allowed her to produce articles informing individuals of how they can help to improve the global warming crisis. She hopes to go into the research sector with a year in industry next year and is running for Environmental Science course representative for her year currently.
Kulvir Bahra | Writer
Kulvir is currently working as Digital Development Editor at the Open University in FutureLearn Micro-credentials Dev Ops team. He has 7 years experience in developing online distance based learning and has a wide range of teaching experience.
Emma Topic | Writer
Emma Topic is an International Relations student at the University of York. While volunteering as a researcher for Insight for Good, she has written a number of articles on important social and humanitarian issues. Emma has previously interned at the Financial Times and the Coalition for Global Prosperity where she strengthened her research and editorial skills. Her current role as treasurer for University of York Amnesty International (UYAI) allows her to bring awareness to causes she feels most passionate about, including human rights abuses around the world and defending media freedom. After graduating she hopes to work for the FCO as a diplomat.
Olivia Gable | Contributor
Olivia recently completed a PhD in Sociology from Open University. Olivia has presented her PhD research at conferences across the UK and in Europe. Her background is interdisciplinary with a BA in Sociology and Geography from the University of Texas at Austin and an MA in Cultural and Creative Industries from King’s College London. Olivia has also worked with UK music funder PRS Foundation as an impact evaluation analyst and programme coordinator, and she is Co-Editor of MeCCSA’s postgraduate journal Networking Knowledge and an Associate at the Yorkshire Sound Women Network. Following her internship with Insight for Good, she secured a job for the Work Foundation of Lancaster University.
Gabriele Nemanyte | Contributor
Gabriele Nemanyte is a recent graduate of Clinical Psychology MSc from Vilnius University. In the summer of 2018 she did an internship at Insight for Good both researching various social issues with other students and helping with project management. Her main interests include mental health, human rights, and education.
Alex Bartholomew | Contributor
Alex Bartholomew is a French, Spanish and Linguistics graduate from the University of York. She volunteered as a researcher for Insight for Good over summer 2018, identifying insights within different social issues and working collaboratively with other students. She was particularly interested in the psychological effects of unemployment.